subota, 2. ožujka 2013.

This film should be seen by the entire world !

1 komentar:

  1. Its mine video Andrej !

    Thank you very for posting it in Facebook Group "World Discussion Forum", I am the admin of this facebook group also.

    Nice Job !!! Keep it up. This is very novel cause. Spread this video all over the world, that people can understand, what they/we are doing with these innocent birds and with our nature, environment and ecosystem.

    Post it in all your facebook groups with the following links : and

    A single request : Please add your all the facebook friends and ask to your friends to add their facebook friends to the group "World Discussion Forum". It is very necessary to be a large no. of users in this International group from the different different countries of the world. We have to make this group as a International level group, That we can discuss here and can raise our voice for this type of environmental, social, political, human rights and other international issues on a international plateform.

    Thank you watching my comment.
